2006. January 9. @ 1:59 am

trúbb hómpédzs den sztíl: Nanowar


how does it feel to be a poser like you?
how does it feel to listen to limp bizkit ?

have you ever noticed that the word loser rhymes with poser?
and you don’t know the title of the first manowar album

poser, you stand alone in the dark
poser, i wonder why noah put you in the ark
and you don’t know the difference between metallica and iron maiden
poser, you have the t-shirt of Reload

i am a poser, and i listen to korn
but i am not a loser and i’m glad to be born

even if you say that the word poser ryhmes with loser that doesn’t mean i am…..
well maybe i am a loser but i am always a human being!!

poser, you stand alone in the dark (i am just sleeping in my bedroom)
poser, i wonder why put you in the ark (because i smell less than the cercopitecosaurus)
and you don’t know the difference between
bruce dickinson and blaze bayley (i wash my theet every morning)
poser, you like virtual XI (ehm , and then?)

by dzsilla | ide: life | 2 komment »
2 komment
2 komment

hülyék. tegnap még le kellett volna tölteni egy vad ismeretlen progit az oldal megtekintéséhez, ma már service unavailable

morc | 2006. 01. 10. @ 8:54 am


dzsilla | 2006. 01. 10. @ 12:05 pm
